samedi 6 septembre 2008

The Omega 3 Brain-teaser / Le casse-tête Omega 3

La version française se trouve ci-dessous.
I never thought that I could have a deficiency of omega 3. I always consumed plenty of flaxseed, olive or rapeseed oil. Nevertheless, I recently discovered that I was potentially wrong. According to some studies, it could be the same case for most vegans and vegetarians who believe that vegetable sources can provide the omega 3 you're body needs. The thing is that the essential fatty acids the body needs are EPA and DHA. Yet, vegetable oils contain the fatty acid ALA, a precursor of DHA and EPA but the conversion from the first (ALA) to the second ones (DHA and EPA) doesn't occur that easily in the body (1). Therefore, for people who don't eat fish, a supplementation in DHA and EPA is necessary to obtain these two essential fatty acids. The problem is that the most known source of it is... fish oil caps! Recently, I discovered this alternative: proposes V-pure caps (the transparent caps on the picture above) coming from algae. The recommended daily dose (three capsules) of V-Pure provides 270mg of DHA and 89mg of EPA. I started to take them today. Other possibilities are products by Deva (2) or Healthspan (3) (the green caps on the picture), but unfortunatly they contain only DHA, which is not ideal.
(1) for more infos:

Jamais je n'aurais pensé pouvoir être carencé en omega 3. J'ai toujours tâché de consommer huiles de lin, de colza ou d'olive en quatité suffisante. Pourtant, j'ai récemment découvert que j'avais tort. Et c'est malheureusement le cas de la plupart des végétariens/végétaliens qui pensent pouvoir obtenir leurs omega 3 grâce àdes sources végétales. En effet, les acides gras essentiels dont le corps a besoin sont les DHA et les EPA. Les huiles végétales contiennent de l'ALA, un acide gras qui est le précurseur des DHA et EPA, mais le fait est que la conversion se fait très mal dans le corps humain (1). En conséquence, pour les personnes ne consommant pas de poisson, seule une suppémentation en DHA et EPA peut augmenter l'absorbtion de ces deux acides gras essentiels de manière conséquente. Et le problème, c'est qu'en général, les compléments de DHA et EPA sont faits à base... d'huile de poisson! J'ai récemment découvert qu'il existe une solution: propose des capsules V-pure caps (les capsules transparentes sur la photo ci-dessus) contenant DHA et EPA provenant d'algues. La dose journalière recommandée par water4 (soit 3 capsules) de V-Pure contient 270mg de DHA et 89mg d'EPA. J'ai commencé à en prendre aujourd'hui. Il existe d'autres possibilités, notamment le produit proposé par Deva (2) ou celui d'Healthspan (3) (les capsules vertes sur la photo), mais malheureusement ces deux derniers ne contiennent que les DHA, ce qui semble ne pas être optimal.
(1) Pour plus d'infos:

1 commentaire:

Olivier Bruchez a dit…

I've been a vegetarian for 11 years and I've been taking V-Pure caps since January 2007. I don't know if it has any effect, though (I've never tested my omega-3 levels).

The problem with Water4life is that they've had a *lot* of problems with shipping. I've already received packages with the wrong name, packages sent to the credit card address instead of the shipping address, and some of the packages never arrived at all. They're quite professional about it and they sent replacements for free. I hope things will get better...

I think V-Pure is the best product available for vegetarians. It contains a bit less EPA than fish oil supplements, but, on the other hand, you get less mercury... :-)

Also, I don't think they need any publicity, but do you know They sell a lot of "aggressive supplementation products":

Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman have also written a long and very serious book (don't let the title fool you):

There's a summary here if you don't want to buy it:

Keep up the good work!